
Since it was established in 1965, Kemo has solved thousands of different applications issues. Our applications knowledge has been built up from decades of practical testing experience.

Filters are often a problem solver, an unexpected configuration issue causes noise or a signal issue that can affect the data analysis or even the efficiency of some machinery. In these circumstances Kemo’s experience can support customers to select a standard product or if required customise a solution to suit their needs.

Kemo’s range of signal conditioning solutions, cables and accessories tend to be easier to specify. However careful consideration is required by the user to ensure data quality is maximised. Errors can be introduced due to poor cable selection or trying to save money, which inevitably costs more in the long run.

We will be adding a number of ‘typical’ and ‘special’ applications of electronic filters, signal conditiong and cabling to this page to give you a feel for the work we excel in.

Application Note 1 – Filters:

Syringe production testing – this is a great example of a problem caused by poor sensor selection which led to false test results during a production test, the use of Kemo filters allowed for an effective implementation of the test. – DOWNLOAD

Application Note 2 – Filters:

Wind Turbine Generator Load – this application shows both Kemo’s capability to cusomise solution to suit specific customer requirements whilst also showcasing how filters can actually improve the finctional perfromance of equipment by improving the accuracy of measured data. – DOWNLOAD

Application Note 3 – Filters:

Building Tilt Sensors – an interesting application which shows how environmental factors can influence the response of sensors and cause them to measure unwanted activity which must be removed to ensure correct data analysis. – DOWNLOAD

Application Note 4 – Low Noise Cables – Satellites:

Satellite Low Outgassing Cables – a great example of how Kemo’s commitment to quality and using the very best materials ensures only minor modifications are required to meet strict specification requirements for the Satellite and Space sector – DOWNLOAD

Application Note 5 – : Anti-Aliasing Filters – Rotating Machinery

Use of Anti-alias filter to remove anomalous frequency – This customer application shows how a lack of sampled data causes incorrect frequency analysis, a high quality anti-alias filter enables an easy solution to remove errors – DOWNLOAD

Application Note 6 – : Submersible IEPE Impact Hammers

Testing of submerged structures – This customer driven application culminated in an underwater IEPE impact hammer used at 40m depth for over an hour – DOWNLOAD

Kemo’s products play a part in research

Kemo is proud to provide products that support a wide and diverse range of research projects, we have selected a few from our archive for your interest, in these exmaples Kemo filters have been a key part of the data acquisition process to filter the data prior to analysis.

Research Paper – Marine Mammal Automated Perimeter Surveillance

Extract from The Expedition ANTARKTIS-XXIII/2 of the Research Vessel ‘Polarstern’ in 2005/2006

Edited by Volker Stras

Authors Holger Klinck – Marine Observing Systems – Ocean Acoustics Group

Olaf Boebel – Alfred-Wegener-Institut

Ship based detection of marine mammals has a broad range of applications. Ecologists with focus on marine mammal abundances and migratory patterns are interested in effective methods for conducting a census of marine mammals. On the other hand users of hydroacoustic instruments (e.g. scientific sonars) are interested to most effectively implement reliable mitigation methods if adverse reactions of marine mammals to the ship’s presence may be apprehended. DOWNLOAD PAPER

Research Paper – A method to measure sound transmission via the malleus-incus complex – University of Zurich

Authors/Researchers : Dobrev, Ivo ; Ihrle, Sebastian ; Röösli, Christof ; Gerig, Rahel ; Eiber, Albrecht ; Huber, Alexander M ; Sim, Jae Hoon

The malleus-incus complex (MIC) plays a crucial role in the hearing process as it transforms and transmits acoustically-induced motion of the tympanic membrane, through the stapes, into the inner-ear. – DOWNLOAD PAPER

Research Paper – Effect of Surface Roughness on Wind Turbine Performance – Sandia National Laboratories

Robert S. Ehrmann, Benjamin Wilcox, and Edward B. White
David C. Maniaci, Sandia Technical Manager

Wind farm operators observe production de cits as machines age. Quantifying deterioration on individual components is dicult, but one potential explanation is accumulation of blade surface roughness. – DOWNLOAD PAPER

Research Paper – Experiments on transition physics in hypersonic boundary layers – Texas A&M University

William S. Saric

At hypersonic speeds, aerodynamic heating requires the design of an intricate thermal protection system (TPS) to protect vehicle personnel and payload. – DOWNLOAD PAPER

Research Paper – An acoustic method for condition classification of a water-filled underground siphon

Zao Feng, Kirill V Horoshenkov and GuoYong Huang

This article reports on an application of the k-nearest neighbours pattern recognition and classification technique to condition monitoring in a full-scale, water-filled siphon that is located beneath the underground.. – DOWNLOAD PAPER

Kemo recognises all the research is the property of the authors and related research sponsors and does not claim any agreement or otherwsie in the resulting conclusions.

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