Kemo Ltd takes part in a number of training events organised by some of our industry partners throughout the year, including subjects such as signal processing, vibration shaker testing, filters and signal noise control. We will list course dates here, check for the latest information.
In addition to these courses we can also provide on site training to suite customer needs covering a range of topics within the fields mentioned above, if you would like to discuss some training at your company please contact us at

Find below the latest training dates
Practical Basics of Vibration Shaker Testing
November 4th 2025 – Nuneaton, UK
£195+VAT per delegate, includes refreshments, lunch, full course notes
This seminar is aimed at engineers who are new to the field of Vibration Shaker Testing, engineers who are associated with the testing world whilst not actually involved with testing and for test engineers who have experience without a full understanding of the processes.
The primary aim of this seminar is to provide valuable practical information to engineers and managers to improve the understanding and application of Vibration Shaker testing in project and product programmes.
We will be covering the following topics:
– Introduction and overview of Vibration Shaker testing and its equipment, methods and purpose
– Shaker construction details, limits and uses
– Accelerometer operations, selection, mounting and correct cable use.
– Common problems and errors when setting up shaker testing, best practice advice,
– Fixture Design
– Practical demonstration of best practice and effects of bad set up
Full details and Agenda on the booking form – DOWNLOAD
Advanced Vibration Shaker Testing
November 5th 2025 – Nuneaton, UK
£195+VAT per delegate, includes refreshments, lunch, full course notes
This seminar is aimed at previous attendees of our basic course who want to understand more about the complex control modes in addition to experienced shaker testing engineers who want to start using and understanding modes such as Mixed mode, SRS, Time Replication and combined environments.
This is also very applicable to managers and other engineers who do not necessarily carry out these tests but may be involved in their specification or the subcontracting of their completion.
We will be covering the following topics:
– Mixed Mode, Sine on Random, Random on Random
– Time Replication
– SRS Shock testing (Shock Response Spectra)
– How to rate a test system for these advanced test modes
– Combined modes (vibration and temperature/humidity)
– Practical demonstrations
Full details and Agenda on the booking form – DOWNLOAD